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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teacher Week: Taming the WILD!

Hello!  I'm joining Blog Hoppin' this week for their teacher week linky party.  Today, we're talking about classroom management, and every teacher knows you cannot teach without mastering this skill.  I'd be crazy to say I have all the answers, but here's how I'll be managing my classroom this year:

I have seen behavior charts all over TpT and found this Jungle Themed Clip Chart with Chevron from Teaching Joys.  I used to use a pocket chart with cards, but like the idea of a clip chart better since my students can move up.  However, teaching preschool, I don't want to overwhelm my students with moving up and down the clip chart all day so I didn't use all of the pieces.  

Recently, I went to a Love and Logic seminar and walked out of there feeling like "I can do this!"  Love and logic is a behavior management technique for parents and teachers based on positive discipline and fostering relationships with children and families.  It teaches how to reduce stress for YOU in the classroom by teaching students how to be responsible for their choices, teaching you how to handle disruptive students, and focuses on encouragement rather than praise.

My favorite thing about the seminar is that you can walk into your classroom and try whatever works for you.  You can start with any strategy that you choose and add pieces of the program as you get comfortable with each strategy.  I am going to start with managing student arguing, which Jim Fay and Charles Fay suggest beginning by choosing 2-3 one-liners, or things you say to students when they say something to start an argument.  The idea is to go "brain dead," not to react to what was said, then you give them a one-liner (without sarcasm or anger).  Here are the one-liners I chose:

1. I'm sorry you feel that way.
2. I know.
3. How sad.

A conversation with a student may go something like this:
Student:  This is stupid!
Teacher:  I'm sorry you feel that way.
Student:  Why do I have to do this anyway?
Teacher:  I'm sorry you feel that way.
Student:  I'm not doing it.
Teacher (walking away):  I'm sorry you feel that way.

The idea is every time a child says something to "push your buttons" you reply with a one-liner, quietly and directly to them.  Eventually they will realize you are not engaging in their argument and they will stop arguing.

Love and logic also has one rule:  

I am going to try this as my classroom rule this year and see how it goes.  A lot of teachers object to just having one rule.  However, most of our rules are actually expectations (raise your hand, listen when the teacher is talking, keep your hands and feet to yourself, etc.).  I plan to practice, practice, practice how I expect my students to behave in the classroom, using a lot of role playing, and revisiting the expectations throughout the year, and we'll see how it goes!

For anyone that has tried this Love and Logic as a management technique, I would love to hear about what you think or how you use it in your classroom!


  1. I actually have a four year old at home that I'm going to try the one-liners on. Thanks for sharing.

    Third Grade Galore

  2. I like this idea! My husband actually tells me I give him quick one liners all the time {ha}. This maybe something I need to try!


    PS - I am your newest follower. I love your title of your blog {too funny}! I would love for you to come by and check out my blog if you get a chance!

  3. My school has been working on Love & Logic for a few years now! I actually have the book sitting by my couch. I wanted to give it a look-over before school started! I think his videos are so funny! We worked a lot on giving choices to kids. I also use the enforceable statements (I think is what they're called) like "I only take a quiet line to recess." I tried this for the first time and right after I said it one of the girls in my class was like "GUYS! SHE SAID SHE ONLY TAKES QUIET LINES!! SHHH!!" It was pretty funny!
    Kinder Colors

  4. I've never heard of Love and Logic before...I really like how explained it--sounds awesome!!

    I think that's something I will definitely look more into, thanks for sharing :)

    Fun With Firsties
