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Friday, September 6, 2013

Five for Friday

Wow!!!  Between Labor Day, the first day of school, and my son having surgery yesterday, the week has flown by and Friday has arrived again.  Time for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

{One}  As I mentioned above, my son had surgery yesterday so we spent the morning at the hospital, and we were able to take him home afterward.  The surgery went well and Noah was such a trooper through the entire procedure.  The nurses couldn't say enough about how successful the surgery was, and the staff at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital is absolutely amazing!  I wouldn't dream of having my son go anywhere else. :)

{Two}  On Wednesday, we had our Parent Night for preschool.  The night was a success, and I can't wait to meet my students on home visits next week!  

{Three}  My computer broke this Spring, and I finally ordered a new one!  Now that I have started blogging and taking more pictures (so my blog isn't so boring...hehe), I am excited to be able to get started on creating some of the teaching products to match my classroom theme.  

{Four}  Until I start teaching, I have to do something so I've been catching up on episodes of Downton Abbey.  I am not happy with how Season 3 ended.  121 days, 6 hours until I can find out what happens!

{Five}  This time last year, I was teaching kindergarten and had started school already.  I started out the year reading The Kissing Hand and found this FREE 99 page(!) activity from Kinderbabies at TpT.  It is packed full of literacy and math activities to start out the school year.


  1. It's so good to read that your son is ok. I don't have kids yet so can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be when you have a little one sick (especially to the point where they're in hospital or having surgery).

    When do you start for they year? I live in New Zealand so we're already in the second half of our school year but I've noticed most people on here have started back recently.

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. I start the school year on September 16th. I start two weeks after the rest of the school year because I teach preschool. Most Michigan schools start the first day after labor day.

  2. I am happy to hear your son is ok! U of M Mott is a great hospital!
    Fun in ECSE

  3. Glad to hear that your son is doing well. It must have been a nerve-wracking week for you.

    I also caught up with Downton Abbey this summer. OH BOY!! I'm with you when it comes to being disappointed! Devastated is more like it!

    The Rungs of Reading
