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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Five for Friday

I decided to join the Doodle Bug's Five for Friday weekly Linky party because I think I can come up with five exciting things you'll want to hear each week!  I know I'm a day late, but here goes:

1.  I'm new to blogging and can't believe how many teachers are out there sharing their ideas!  One of the blogs I am absolutely loving right now is Preschool Wonders!  Lola has some great ideas for preschool and since I'm teaching preschool this year, I'm trying to soak in anything I can learn from her.  If you have another preschool blog you love, comment below because I'd love to hear about it!

2.  My son, who just turned a year old in June, finally said Mama the other day!

I was so busy last year teaching kindergarten for the first time I didn't have as much time to spend with him as I wanted, so when I'm not getting things ready for my classroom, I'm spending as much time with him as I can!

3. I am excited to share with you a FABULOUS Giveaway from Polka Dot Kinders for reaching 400 followers!!!

I just discovered this blog, but who can resist a giveaway right?  So be sure to check it out!

4.  On Wednesday, I went to a Love & Logic seminar.  I really enjoyed the training and can't wait to start using the strategies I learned with my preschoolers this year!  My goal is to decrease my stress dealing with student conflict and turn more responsibility over to them.  We'll see what happens once school starts in September...

5.  My theme for my classroom this year is monkeys/jungle with a chevron flair!  One of the most popular pins on my Pinterest page right now is from It's a Jungle Out There.  

I love the idea of using a shower curtain to add some decoration and hide some of the materials you don't want to be seen!  Now I just need to find some that I love so I can use this idea in my own classroom.  :)

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